Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The First Step

Yes, I am an enthusiast.

We all are, really. Different things but we all dedicate our lives to being really "into" something or many things. I am of the latter group.

"What do I obsess about?" you may ask. Film, superheroes, video games, figures of various types, baseball, artistic endeavors, random facts about nothing. The list goes on and on.

Why are you here?

Well, most likely, you are an enthusiast looking to read opinions of one equally obsessed with something. Perhaps you're interested in links and random news and facts?

Or you could be my wife or mom.

Either way, please enjoy your stay. I will fill this blog full of pictures, reviews, lists, etc. which I hope will entertain and spark discussion. Not everything I post may peak your interest but hopefully it will peak someone's interest, somewhere.

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